Saturday, October 24, 2015

Chronicle of Furbabies, Part III

Part 3!

Before I started this blog, I had the "Chroincle of Furbabies" in my other google-based blog.  I've since moved them to this one!  It's been six months since I've done one, and many cats have come and go during that time!  I can't journal about all of them, but I've certainly got quite a few to catch up on.  Some may be from quite a few months back, so I may not have quite as many details left in my brain.

At any rate, here we go....

Anika - such a pretty little girl, always so calm and quiet.  She was as little and dainty as she was white, as super sweet.
Arnold - I wish I had a better photo!  It cracked me up that his little face looked like a cartoon character, shaped so comically with his puffy chipmunk cheeks!  He drove Anita crazy with his crazy crate antics, deliberately making a mess and tossing his dry food everywhere.

His most memorable stunt, though, was the morning that we walked in to find his cage door sitting ajar.  We panicked, unable to find him, cursing whoever had left it open.  Someone found him safe and sound that night, and put him up.  The next day, while we were working, Arnold was minding his own business in his cage one minute.  The next minute, I turn around, and he's on the floor, wandering around!!!!  He had very quickly discovered how to open the door of his particular type of cage!  Meaning, no one had left it open; he had opened it himself all along!

Everything was fine after we moved him to a cage with a different type of latch (except for his food flinging fits).  Other than his magic tricks, Arnold was a big, sweet fellow who loved to talk to you!

Beaumont - I'm going to need a whole separate post for Beau.  No, seriously.  I've got at least 10 pictures and a whole lot of love for this guy.
(It's ready!  Click here!)

Belle - quiet, timid, and shy.  A pretty girl who never really came out of her shell during her time with me at the shelter.

Bodie & Bongo - I don't tend to add too many kittens into my "chronicles."  Most of the time, we get them by the litter, and I never learn their names.  They are the first to get fostered and the first to get adopted.  They're the cutest, but the messiest, and the most rambunctious.  Occassionally, though, I'll find a few that strike a chord with me.  These two little grey boys were playful, but not mean with each other, and still sweeties when you handled them.  Plus, they were that gorgeous solid grey that I am so drawn to for some reason.  Loved these little guys.
Bodie & Bongo
Bodie & Bongo
Cicely - this girl was a mystery to me.  We had her at the shelter for a bit, then she went up to Petsmart to stay (this is a good thing - you get adopted from Petsmart).  They sent her back after a few weeks because she got a bit sick (it's policy).  We took her back in, her crud cleared up, and from there on out she was in a crabby mood 24/7!  She was never the sweetest cat, but she turned a corner after returning from Petsmart.

Cicely startled easily and hated other cats, hissing at them if they were too close.  I could pet her if she could see it coming, but I'm not sure that other shelter workers were able to.  She would sporadically hide and ambush your leg if the mood struck her.  She wasn't scary or mean, just a bit quirky.  Just a few weeks ago they homed her with a farmer as a barn cat.

Dawn - Dawn was kind of a plain cat, with no extraordinary markings or features.  We had her twice at the shelter, as she was adopted and returned for a reason unbeknownst to me.  She got quite chubby between stays at the shelter.  Despite being plain and chubby, I loved Dawn.  She was super mellow, with a kind face and a sweet disposition.  
Dee - calico and petite, Dee absolutely loved people.  She loved attention and loved to be pet.  By the same extreme, Dee hated other cats.  She would hiss and swipe - we had to drape a blanket on the side of her crate so that she wouldn't even see another cat.  I guess you could say she was a cat with passion.
Dooley - he was a tuxedo cat and suitably a perfect gentleman.  Sweet and affectionate, Dooley was nice and gentle, but so timid.  He was such a cutie, but shied away from other kitties and any commotion.  An all around good boy, though.
Dooley's sweet face
Dooley's shy side

Jake & Elwood - named after the Blues Brothers, these two brothers were little spitfires!  Two handfuls of adorable, and a little tumbleweed of fur when they wrestled in their crate.  Super full of life and endlessly entertaining.
Jake & Elwood

Jango - this large orange tabby stole my heart.  He couldn't wait to get out and wander around, but I had to help him down first - all 15+ pounds of him.  He was a big sweetheart with a healthy appetite and the skinniest tail you've ever seen.
Kindle - I could have taken this beauty home.  Petite and long-haired, she had spunk and affection to spare!  Besides being gorgeous and loving attention, I have a fond memory of a uniquely gross experience with Kindle.  I was cleaning her crate (with her in it), and she found that to be a fine opportunity to rub on my face with her face.  Sweet, right?  Usually.  When she nuzzled my cheek, right next to the corner of my mouth, she did what cats do, and drew a line from her nose to her cheek.  Impressively, she managed to get her saliva into the corner of my lips.  I tried to brush it off, but some inevitably went in my mouth rather than away from it.  Yup, I ate kitty spit.

Regardless of our gross encounter, I absolutely adored this precious girl.  Just look at that face!!

Leah - another sweet girl.  She was part of a pair, but I play favorites. She wasn't at the shelter for long, and it was over 8 months ago, so unfortunately I can't remember much.  Reinforces my reason for keeping up with these.  I know that I loved her, though.

Lincoln - we first had this tomcat in spring or early summer, and he was the type that was frisky and unpredictable (yes, it's definitely a type).  He was quirky, a little bit of a spaz, and would randomly become overstimulated and decide he'd had enough of you messing around with his space.  That's not to say he was mean.  He just seemed amped up and quirky.  He eventually went to Petsmart and got adopted, leaving me kind of relieved.

But if that were the story, he wouldn't end up in the chronicle.  Lincoln showed up again around August.  A couple had adopted both him and Sailor, and returned Lincoln claiming allergies were to blame (yet they kept Sailor....).  I felt bad for the guy, but was hesitant to encounter his spazzy antics again.  To my surprise, Lincoln was like a completely different cat.  He was sad, at first, to be back at the shelter, but SUPER affectionate!  He was calm and friendly!  I was shocked.

His spirits lifted as he got over his flaky adopters, and we became buds.  My favorite thing about him is that he would come out and never wander far.  As I would clean his crate, he would hang out right next to me and just chill.  He loved affection, now, and would get so into head rubs that he would collapse into a big white heap on the floor as he leaned into the petting.  His second shelter stay was much shorter; he was adopted on 8-26-15.  I'll miss my little butterfly.

Lincoln, with his second adopters, who are doing a terrible job of holding him.....

Professor - sometimes the name just fits.  Serious, confident and handsome, Professor wasn't at the shelter for very long, but he was pretty charismatic.  He was just a good, sweet cat.  He was adopted 4-15-15.
Professor and his new family
 Rachel - this pretty calico/tortie girl with the half-and-half face was kept around for a while at the shelter due to speculation on whether she was pregnant.  As it turned out, Rachel was just kind of small, yet beach-ball shaped.  But she never whined, even when I called her affectionate names like Chubster.  She was incredibly well-behaved and laid-back, especially for a female cat.  Her interesting markings definitely made her unique.
Rachel with her new mama

Sailor - I know I mentioned him when I wrote about Lincoln, so here he is!  Lincoln's first shelter stint was a bit longer than Sailor's short time in the shelter.  I don't have a picture to do him justice, but Sailor was little for a tomcat, with a tail that was as big around as his torso!  He was as friendly as he was cute, and, fortunately, got to stay with his "allergic" adopters.
Sailor, being distracted
Sailor being manhandled by fans (these aren't his adopters, just some visitors on adoption day)

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