Friday, October 23, 2015


Doing some light housekeeping today, blog style.

  1. Made myself some pretty new header graphics!  Oooooh, ahhhh!
  2. Completely revamped my three public blogs!  Virtual face lifts all around!
  3. Made the sidebars mostly pretty uniform.  The links may be called different things, but they all go to the same place.
  4. Moving the posts out of Psychlone Bean that don't belong there, and rehoming them in Geeky Gringa.  My beloved "Chronicle of Furbabies" series will live here now!
My third blog is a baby blog.  No, I don't got no babies, but I am trying to make one!  Thing is, I'm not ready to go legit public with it yet.  It's all purty and ready to go, and I've been posting in it, but she won't be fit for public consumption for quite some time.  STAY TUNED!  :-)

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