Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Big Picture is Pride

Yesterday, social media was flooded with the announcement that the Supreme Court passed a ruling for marriage equality in all 50 US states.  To honor this momentous, historic occasion, I reposted this picture, originally posted by the "Human Rights Campaign" Facebook group:

My caption read: "How awesome is this?  At least some things are getting changed for the better."

Despite an overwhelming majority of my news feed being overrun with celebration regarding marriage equality and Pride Week, I quickly received comments on this post that I found disappointing (to say the least).  I expressed to my commenters how much I dislike arguing politics and my refusal to do so, but also my disappointment in their unsupportive comments.

Rather than dropping into an all-out, drag-out, heated Facebook fight, I was inspired to go even further with my pro-marriage-equality posts and support of Pride Week via Facebook.  My posts that followed were:

Pretty self-explanatory.  Really, if it is something that someone is seriously against, I don't think losing them as a Facebook friend is too much of a loss.

Loved this.  I changed my profile picture just to add a rainbow filter over top by going to  

I understand that some people are upset by the Supreme Court taking the decision away from the individual states.  "Big Government is bad!"  I agree with the general sentiment.  But look at the big picture: the fight for marriage equality in the US is over!  Everyone is free to marry, without antiquated restrictions of gender or sex.  This is an amazing moment in history that we are living!  I have been pro- marriage equality and gay rights since I was old enough to understand sex.  Now I get to see our nation growing and maturing before my very eyes.  That's one hell of a big picture.

Supporting a cause and staying true to my beliefs is far more important to me than arguing over them with people who are just as decided as I am.  I will openly tell you about where I stand on an issue any day of the week.  I will gladly give you my opinions on a matter that you'd like to be informed on.  I will hear your side and acknowledge your opinions, as well.  Just don't expect a hot debate or healthy argument.  It's just not how I roll.

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