Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A Visually Impaired Take on "Daredevil"

The husband and I have not had cable since maybe 2011, so I watch a lot of Netflix and Hulu.  Often times, I find myself with nothing to watch in between new episodes of Supernatural on Hulu.  So hubs and I started watching the Netflix original series of Daredevil.
2003 Daredevil (Affleck)

I saw the Ben Affleck flick years ago when it was new, and found it entertaining enough.  Superhero movies weren't as big yet as they are now.  It was 2003, so I also hadn't been diagnosed with Stargardt's yet.  I'll admit that most of my existing Daredevil knowledge comes from this early 2000's film.  I've accrued slightly more trivia over the years, along with the realization that Daredevil is definitely not the most popular or most "OP" of the Marvel heroes.
2015 Daredevil (Cox)

Matt Murdoch aka Daredevil is a blind man with super senses due to an accident involving chemicals.  Super hearing, super sensitive to touch, awesome olfactory, and I assume some pretty pumped up taste buds.  Pretty cool.  I realize it comes with consequences, but I wouldn't turn these super senses down.  Here's my beef.

  • He can hear a conversation from a rooftop or from blocks away.  The scene where he is kicking Vladmir's ass?  The cops get the jump on him.  Shouldn't he have heard them coming long before they arrived?  I mean, maybe he was really into the pummeling, but there were a lot of cops.  That's a lot of noise.
  • The guy obviously doesn't need his cane to get around.  I assume this is his attempt at pulling a "Clark Kent" persona of a normal blind guy.  If that is the case, he is doing a terrible job.  My biggest pet peeve:  He is way too good at looking people in the eye.
  • I posed the question of how Murdoch picks things up off the ground in one simple swipe.  Hubs suggested that vibrations and sounds let him "see" it, in his way.  I guess.  But what about Stick?  How does Stick seem to have the same super senses that Murdoch does?  Being blind and bad-ass doesn't give you super powers.  I promise.
  • With his other four senses all suped up, he gets around Hell's Kitchen with ease.  However, this dude still needs braille to read.  You can't smell, taste, or hear the written word.  That means that he can't read signs on stores, or read menus, or even see the crosswalk sign turn and give the "ok" to cross.  Which super power does he use to conquer these foes?
We haven't finished the show yet.  I'm sure I'd find more qualms upon examination.  These are just some of the things that I think about from my side of the visually impaired table.  There may very well be an answer to each of them tucked away inside the expansive Marvel universe somewhere.  But, in my opinion, being a regular guy with four amped senses and zero sight does not a superhero make.  That's probably why he gets his butt kicked so much.

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