Friday, November 13, 2015

Chronicle of Furbabies: Beaumont

Adoption website photo
Just pulled from AC
Beaumont - I mentioned Beaumont in "Chronicle of Furbabies: Part III."  He first came in to the shelter in the May 2015.  He looked pretty rough, with cuts and bumps and dirty fur.  His face was a mess.  Despite his alley cat looks, he was a true sweetheart from day one.  He'd give you a meow anytime you came near his crate, loved attention and being pet, adored being held and held on to you for dear life (I will probably always have scars on my left shoulder blade as a memento).  He was a big, hefty tomcat with a one-of-a-kind face and unique ears that made everyone think he was a large Scottish Fold.  After his routine vet visit, he was unfortunately diagnosed with FIV.  As with other FIV cats we've had (like Theodore and Frosting), it was incredibly sad to learn that such a great, adoptable cat would spend so long in the shelter and be overlooked by adopters.  I enjoyed seeing Beaumont so much, though, since he was such a sweetie with a big personality.
Settling in @ the shelter

Me & Beaumont
With any cat, after a while, a routine develops.  I would approach, and get my patented Beaumont vocal greeting.  He would rush to the front of the crate upon the door opening, and put his front paws on my shoulder, read for me to lift him out.  I'd grab on to him (usually wearing a jacket, as his voracious clutch became a bit much for my skin), and we would cuddle for a good while.  When Beaumont had decided that he had sufficiently covered me in white fur and that it was time to walk around, he'd let me know, and I would crouch very close to the ground to set him down.  It was important to have access to water and a snack, though, lest Beaumont get a bit grumpy with you, so I'd set his food and water dish (newly filled) on the ground for him, first thing.  While I cleaned up his crate, he'd snack, wander around, get love from Anita, or just lay back and chill.  He never fussed about the other cats or got into any shenanigans.  My Beaumont loved his wet food, of course, and that was the only way to lure him back into his crate.  I'd pick him up again, get a few last cuddles (he was a stellar cuddle bug), and stand near the open crate.  As soon as he noticed that bowl of wet food, he would (not so gracefully) hop out of my arms and into his cage.  His attention fully consumed, I often had to close the door to the point where his rear end was flush against it, like he was mooning the room.  He'd inhale the delicious entree, and a nap would ensue.

With his lovable personality, Beaumont was a favorite among shelter regulars.  He found his foster home on October 4th.  Most of the time, fosters take in kittens - lucky Beaumont!  A few days later, they took him to the vet, started to treat him for his cloudy eye and an ear infection, and the foster mom reported this:
Vet visit!
"Speaking of his ears, Aaron and I thought he was a Scottish fold, but I was told the vet at Horseshoe Lake thought they were a result of frostbite. Our vet at Northgate said it could be his breed, but she thinks it could've been multiple hematomas, aka cauliflower ear, from fighting as an intact tom cat. Whatever the case, we think they give him personality. He loves to be brushed and he talks to us all day long. He's been such a great kitty these last few days, so he will probably most definitely be a foster fail."

His foster mom says he has a mismatched tail!
I was simultaneously overjoyed that Beaumont was getting the love, attention, and medical care that he so clearly deserved, and devastated that I wouldn't see him anymore.  Fortunately, the foster mom continued to post updates and pictures about Beaumont.  I followed it obsessively!  I saved every picture, seeing him so happy and relaxed, and smiled at every new post.  The fosters were discovering what an amazing kitty he was, and something amazing happened.  On November 8th, they signed the papers, and made Beaumont a part of their family.  He was officially adopted!

So our boy Beaumont is now living happily ever after with his adopters, three kitty siblings, and puppy brother!  He runs around playing with toys, snores underneath cuddly blankets, snuggles up on the couch, and even has a fireplace for the winter months ahead.  His really is a "Happy Tail."

Even more pictures of Beaumont.......

Beaumont & his puppy brother

Cozy fireplace!

This is an excerpt from the Fall newsletter issued by Partners for Pets.  They publish stories about
several remarkable cats and dogs in each newsletter, and Beaumont made the cut!

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