Thursday, February 26, 2015

Chronicle of Furbabies, Part I

(moved from partner blog, originally published 2-26-15)

I have been volunteering with a non-profit animal rescue and rehab shelter for a year now.  I started out by lending a hand at events, but eventually started volunteering at the shelter.  It wasn't until last summer when I started going every week, at least twice a week, to care for the cats, that I fell in love with what I was doing.

I don't get paid.  It's dirty, smelly, hairy work.  I've had my fair share of bites, scratches, and fecal matter.  But hands down, it is the best thing I've ever done.

For some time, I've wanted to capture the memory of the cats that come through the shelter.  Some of them leave I big impact on me and I miss them long after they've found their forever homes.  Even though I'm so happy for them, it is bittersweet not to be able to see them anymore.

Here are the names I can remember and the pictures that I can find.  I hope to keep adding to it.

Barry – he was a swiper, always grabbing at whatever passed by his cage.  When he was out, we was a ferocious cuddler.  Above all, he was a favorite among the shelter workers.  He seems to have mellowed since going into foster.  The shelter has since started a fund for him to help raise money for surgery for his respiratory condition.

Butternut & Squash – these two were both buff and white colored and part of a larger littler.  There was a digestive illness that went through the littler and left only these two.  This was the second time something like this had happened while I was there.  It was heartbreaking, but I treasured these two little guys all the more.  They recovered and were filled with life.

Deloris & Danger – Deloris was a feral cat that spent a very long time with the shelter.  She was pregnant, and gave birth to her littler in the biggest cage at the shelter.  There were five or six kittens, but only one survived.  Danger was a trooper.  He looked just like his mama was full of spitfire.  He was small for his age, but ran around like a crazy man.  Deloris mellowed and, although she was still fond of hiding where you couldn’t find her, she grew to love attention and snuggles.  They were both adopted, albeit separately.
Deloris (on shelf) & Danger (in bed)
Me, attempting to hold Danger

Drew – it was thought that she was a boy, hence the name.  I called her my Drew Drew Bug.  She could be a little moody if the wind blew right, but all in all she was a cuddle bug.  Drew loved snuggles and affection, and was always eager to see you when you approached her cage.  She got adopted, and I miss her terribly.
Fillian – this little guy wasn’t with us for long, but he was the first cat that I got to name!  He was a long-haired buff and white kitten.  He was pretty laid-back but very adorable.  He was still a kitten when he was adopted.  

Griffin – this guy was another one of my cuddle bugs.  As soon as you opened that door, his head was nuzzling your hand.  He wasn’t much for being picked up, but was irresistible in every other way.  He was definitely one of my favorites.  Griffin was adopted.  

Groot – this picture does not do this little man justice.  Groot was a spirited kitten who loved attention and loved to meow like mad.  He was adopted very quickly.

Luna & Bellatrix – they came in together, but I’m not sure if they were littlermates.  I was in love with Luna.  She was cuddly when you held her, purring like mad, but the more rambunctious of the two when they ran about.  I called her my Luna Bug.  Bellatrix was more reserved, and she was a little limp noodle when you picked her up.  They were both super sweet.

Marmalade & Tang – these two brothers were long-haired orange tabbies that went through a rough time.  They both suffered severe eye infections, one of the boys getting it much worse than the other.  They endured applications of eye cream medications everyday.  I would hold these big boys, one at a time, while Anita gave them their meds.  They were so furry that I would instantly get hot and sweaty just holding them.  At one point the vet said that one of the boys might not get his vision back.  Slowly, they both recovered.  Their demeanors improved along with their heath, and the sweet fluffy boys even got adopted into the same home!  
Marmalade & Tang

Marmalade & Tang

Marmalade & Tang get adopted!!!
Midnight – I was enamored by this big tomcat.  I don’t have a picture, but he was a large, long-haired black cat.  He was as cool as a cucumber but loved attention.  I gave him love and affection at the shelter and even visited him during his stay at PetSmart.  I did my best to brush the dandruff from his fur to get him looking his best. I nearly cried when he was adopted.

Moshie – he was so big, but not husky.  Long legs, long torso, long skinny tail.  He loved to be pet, but was so wary while at the shelter. He was in foster for a while before my time of caring for him at the shelter, and I think he was dismayed to be back.  My heart went out to this lanky boy.  He did end up getting adopted.

Nick – Nick was my baby.  He was the smallest in a litter of four, all named with “N” names.  He had a really bad respiratory issue early on, so we separated him from the litter to keep him from getting picked on.  I snuggled him close every time I saw him.  As he got better, he became outgoing and playful.  I still miss him.
Nick riding to adoptions

Nolan – he was one of the cats in Nick’s litter who got adopted, but passed way from FIL.  It broke my heart when I found out.

Norm – I feel for this poor guy.  His owners surrendered him after 6 years due to having a baby.  He was seriously moody and upset.  He would swipe and attempt warning bites if you got too close to him.  It took him a good month or two to finally start warming up and coming out of his cage.  He was still wary of his surroundings, but you could pet him and he seemed in much better spirits.  I’m so thankful he went into foster.  The last time I saw him was at adoptions, and he seemed to be doing SO well!  He was calm, and at the front of the cage (a good, confident sign)!  I put my fingers through the bars to say hello, and Norm gave me a few kisses!  I have high hopes for this handsome boy.

10/23/15 UPDATE: After a few months in foster with a great foster mom and some pretty awesome foster kitty brothers, Norm was adopted!!!!  Woo hoo!


Pumpkin – this girl was our little crazy cannon!  She would fly around the room haphazardly and seemingly never ran out of energy.  She always made us smile.

Snoop & Dre – these two black kittens are the most beautiful purr machines.  They’re such good boys.  The only way to tell them apart is by their tails – one has a fluffy long-haired tail and the other has a short-haired tail.  They're always happy and never pick on each other.  Whether in their cage or in my arms, they're always purring.  They also love to run around and play when they're out, though.  The pictures are less than impressive as I took them myself as they were waking up.
Snoop & Dre

Snoop & Dre
Snoop & Dre

Spencer – this is another one that my heart goes out to.  She’s incredibly misunderstood and is in desperate need of a foster.  She lived her whole life in a cage.  She hisses and growls at other cats constantly.  I’ve never heard a normal meow from her.  But when she’s out, she headbutts and rubs up against your legs.  She loves to be pet, though not towards her rump.  She whines when you pick her up, but she has never raised a paw or tried to bite me.  She recently went into foster, and I didn't realize I would miss her so much.  I am so happy she's being fostered, though, because it is definitely what this baby needs.

10/23/15 UPDATE: Spencer did end up getting adopted!  It was one of the happiest Facebook posts I've ever experienced!!!!


T-Bone – his name and his appetite cracked me up.  He liked attention just fine, but what he was really interested in was food, in any form!  He was found to have neurological condition that made him wobbly, as it affected his back legs.  He went into foster and is now good friends with Barry (mentioned above)!

Tasha – this pretty girl is an utter sweetheart.  She has some sores on her head and neck and a case of ear mites, which got her kicked out of adoptions.  But she is one of my favorites.  She is a beautiful calico and loves attention.

10/23/15 UPDATE: Tasha has been bounced around a bit, but she's back at the shelter.  She no longer has any sores as she did when she was first picked up.  Luckily, she is still as sweet and as pretty as the day she came in.  I cannot wait to see the day that this deserving baby finds her forever home.

Theodore – Theo was a shelter favorite.  He was incredibly handsome with his Maine Coon style ear furnings and his stout tabby physique.  I regret that I don't have a better picture.  He loved to give kisses and purr.  He stayed in the shelter for quite a while as he was diagnosed with FIV.  I was thrilled when he found a forever home.

Tigger – he’s an orange tabby with the markings that look like dark marbling.  He’s a large lad, and he was at the shelter as a kitten, adopted, and returned for some reason.  He’s the definition of a “good boy.”

TJ – my adorable mess.  He may have had diarrhea all over his cage and Albon all over his fur, but all TJ wanted was love.  I cleaned his head and neck with baby wipes and gave his cage a thorough cleaning.  It’s worth it when the recipient can’t wait for you to open the door and pet the everloving bejesus out of him.  When he didn't come back from adoptions, I was so sad that I wouldn't see my messy boy anymore.

Turbo – the name says it all.  He was small but frisky!  He was a squirmy cuddler who tended to nibble my fingers, but one of the most adorable kittens we’ve had.

Weston – a recent favorite.  He was very reserved, but incredibly loving.  When I have extra time, I look into his yellow eyes and we have long talks while he gets in some good affection time.  He was my calm, handsome, tuxedo boy.  Every time I did his cage, I would remove the floor covering to shake it out.  He would stay on the sheet as long as possible.  Then, when I'd go to put it back in, he'd jump on the edge of it right away, and ride it as I scooted it in to cover the floor.  I learned that he preferred to sit at the front of his cage, never using his bed when I put it in the back in the usual spot.  I created a special floor plan for Weston, with the bed and litter box up front, side by side, so he could both lay in his comfy bed and be up front where he liked it.  Near the end of February '15, he was no longer at the shelter.  He either went to PetSmart or got fostered.  I hate not knowing, and miss my handsome boy so much.

Xavier – it was debated as to whether Xavier was a boy or a girl.  Regardless, this one was a beautiful cat who loved to roll on his back in a successful attempt to look extra adorable.  Xavier loved belly rubs!  He was adopted shortly after his arrival at the shelter.

Xavier's first trip to the shelter after being rescued