Thursday, February 21, 2013

Astrological Personality Assessment

(moved from partner blog, originally published 2-21-13)

Ever since I was a kid, I've been intrigued by zodiacs.  That's not to say that I have ever put stock into them or believed in horoscopes.  I just want that to be clear.  But I've always found personality assessments of any kind interesting.  In my undergrad years, that was my favorite part of majoring in psychology - personality theory.

That said, I've always felt a little disconnected with my astrological signs.  As a Leo, I'm supposed to be passionate and fiery and love to be the center of attention.  I can get a little fiery, but the bulk of the Leo description just doesn't fit me.  The main characteristic (loving to be the center of attention) actually makes me quite uncomfortable.

The same goes for the Chinese zodiac.  When I was little, we would go to the Chinese restaurant with the zodiac placemats underneath the glass table top.  I'd always figure out what sign the people with me were and read all the descriptions.  In the Chinese zodiac, I'm a rabbit (兎).  Rabbits are defined by their calmness.  They are sweet, nice, and well-liked.  Like the Leo, this doesn't quite fit me.  I can be a bit harsh and would definitely never characterize myself with calmness.

So, the other day, it occurred to me to look up a description that encompasses BOTH of these signs.  In a word, it was perfect. (found here)

The calmness of the Rabbit tames the ferocity of the Leo.  Rabbit Leos have a fiery inside but keep an even keel, and they don't like the spotlight.  It even says that they need a lot of sleep.  Spot on.

Here's the eerily coincidental part: both of my signs are fire signs.
Leos are always a fire sign, but the Chinese zodiac elements work in a 60 year cycle, so only some Rabbits are fire.

A friend of mine even looked up hers: Cancer + Ram.  Also spot on.

I'm not saying that I'm going to start following any astrological mumbo-jumbo.  I just enjoy the fact that I found the astrology personality that I can identify with.

Here are some of the links I used if you too are interested in that kind of thing.